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Rescued Golden Retrievers Stay Healthy Thanks to Vaccination Grant

Charlotte, a former puppy mill breeder, was vaccinated thanks to our grant.

We got this report from Robin L. Adams, executive director and cofounder of Delaware Valley Golden Retriever Rescue Inc. in Reinholds, PA:

“While we bring in golden retrievers and goldendoodles on an almost daily basis, we have occasion to address emergency placements.

“Last week, such an event occurred. We were contacted by our golden retriever rescue partners in Tennessee about [an emergency] situation in Arkansas consisting of golden retrievers, German shepherds, great Pyreneese, pigs and horses. The Tennessee rescue was not able to cope with a sudden influx of golden retrievers, and knowing that we can handle these situations due to our facility, Golden Gateway, we of course said yes.

“A cooperative effort between the Great Pyrenees Club and DVGRR resulted in finding transportation for 16 dogs (11 golden retrievers, five great Pyrenees) to Golden Gateway. We provided overnight housing and care for the great Pyrenees, who were then picked up the following day to be taken to a veterinarian and ultimately, foster homes.

“The ARK 11, as we called them, and 45 golden retrievers before them have been the beneficiary of 56 of the vaccines to date.

“For DVGRR, the impact of Hurricane Sandy was felt in the form of the loss of the rubber mulch we use in an exercise area devoted to puppy-mill survivors (an estimated $10,000 repair), electricity loss (vaccines destroyed) and a large pool of donors no longer able to support our efforts due to their own personal loss.

“We are extremely grateful to the Petfinder Foundation for their collective efforts to help continue rehoming of animals everywhere.”


Further Reading