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Give a Dog a Home Rescue: GF Pet Products Grant Report

How did this grant help your organization and the pets in your care?

This grant is being used in line with our "Lets Go for a Walk" Doggy Day Out Program, which also includes dogs who go into foster homes.

Being able to supply foster families and people who come to take the dogs out for the day is so important, and leading by example in only using quality products is vital and encourages people to do the same. Ensuring foster families have everything that they might need, from dog coats to poop bags, and high-quality collars, leashes, and water bottles, has been critical and has saved the rescue considerable expense.

Give a Dog a Home Rescue saves dogs from the south, mainly Texas, with a few dogs coming from Hawaii, and the weather up here is very different. A lot of the dogs are thin-coated and so need that extra protection from the elements.

During these ever increasingly difficult times, it is hard for the rescue to recruit fosters and we are not in a position to purchase non-essential items for the dogs. Being able to offer high-quality products to cover the majority of a pet's needs when a volunteer is fostering them is a great selling point when we are reaching out for foster families, and gives us peace of mind that the dogs have everything needed when they go to their new home, or on their doggy day out!

We are truly appreciative of GF Pet Products and the Petfinder Foundation for their continued support for rescues and shelters large and small -- it is a huge help.

How many pets did this grant help?


Please provide a story of one or more specific pets this grant helped.

Lucky was saved from a shelter in Hawaii. Being an island, Hawaii has a hard time adopting a lot of dogs.

Lucky had some issues with anxiety and was not comfortable with all the other dogs. He was having a hard time in the kennels and one of our volunteers, a past adopter, decided to give him a break and take him home on our “Let’s Go for a Walk” Doggy Day Out Program, which ultimately turned into him being fostered.

Coming from Hawaii and being short-coated, Lucky very clearly feels the cold, particularly with this being his first winter. The family is very active, going on weekly hikes and adventures, and found all the products that we were able to provide to them a huge help. Lucky loves wearing his coat and gets excited when it is pulled out to be put on, as he knows he is going on an adventure. The water bottle, poop bags, and such are perfect for the family’s long adventures, and they are happy to be supplied with high-quality products.

They have told me that several people have commented on Lucky’s coat when out on a walk and they have provided the company name with their full recommendation.

Lucky is still available for adoption, although the family (Mom and kids) are working on trying to convince Dad that Lucky needs to be a permanent part of the family. Unfortunately, he is not on board, but they are constantly working on him.

You can meet Lucky here.

Further Reading